What’s solar thermal?
It’s more commonly known as solar water heating, it involves linking solar panels to your central heating system so that they can heat your home and your hot water. If you qualify for a solar thermal grant, it might not even cost you anything to have them fitted either. It’s win-win! What are you waiting for? Fill out our online form and let Eco Subs see if you’re eligible for funding.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
The main criteria are that you own your home or rent privately, and receive benefits. Don’t worry, we’ve included a list of the qualifying benefits below, and we’ll be able to let you know if you’re eligible once we take some of your details. Even if you don’t receive any income and work, under the ECO4 scheme, if you earn less than £31,000 per year, you could still be eligible to receive funding, so it’s worth asking the question.